castit hair salon digital signage

Transforming Styles: Kapsalon Aphrodite's Digital Signage Makeover

From static displays to dynamic digital signage, witness how Castit's Chromecast compatibility redefined client engagement, increased Loreal product awareness, and elevated service promotions by 30%.

Kapsalon Aphrodite Logo

Client Introduction

Meet Kapsalon Aphrodite, a vibrant hair salon that believes in not just cutting hair but crafting experiences. Nestled in the heart of the Netherlands, they take pride in their skilled stylists, quality products, and a commitment to creating an inviting ambiance. As trends evolved, so did their approach to engaging with clients.


castit hair salon digital signage



The client faced a common dilemma - how to modernize their communication strategy within the salon. Traditional posters and static displays no longer resonated with the dynamic expectations of their clientele. They needed a solution that could seamlessly integrate into their sleek and contemporary salon environment, providing an interactive and visually appealing way to showcase their products and services.


Our Solution

Enter Castit, the digital signage solution that caught the eye of the client during an online quest for a modern communication tool. They reached out to us, curious about how Castit could enhance their client experience. What caught their interest? Chromecast compatibility – a perfect fit for their existing setup.

To let them experience the power of Castit firsthand, we offered a free trial. The client swiftly transitioned from their previous system, Branchechannel, which unfortunately shut down. Castit seamlessly filled the void, providing a robust platform to display promotional videos featuring Loreal products and their own array of services.


castit software hair salon digital signage



The impact was swift and tangible. The client witnessed a surge in client engagement. The dynamic and vivid displays captivated clients as they waited, providing an immersive experience. The promotional videos effectively highlighted the nuances of pharmacy products and the diverse services offered by the salon. This not only kept clients informed but also influenced their choices.


Tech Transition

The transition from Branchechannel to Castit was not just a shift in technology; it was a leap in customer interaction. Chromecast compatibility ensured a smooth integration into their existing setup, minimizing disruptions and optimizing the use of available resources.


Stats Snapshot

  • Client Engagement: Increased by 40% within the first month.
  • Product Awareness: Loreal product awareness saw a spike of 25%.
  • Service Promotion: Internal surveys indicated a 30% increase in inquiries about showcased services.


Looking Forward

Kapsalon Aphrodite continues to explore the dynamic possibilities offered by Castit. Plans are underway to expand the usage, adding more screens to create a seamless visual narrative across their salon. The goal is not just to cut hair but to shape memorable experiences, and Castit has become an integral part of that journey.

In the evolving landscape of hair salon dynamics, Kapsalon Aphrodite and Castit have forged a partnership that goes beyond technology – it's about enhancing every client's journey, one digital display at a time.


Step into the Future

Curious about how hair salon digital signage can transform your client engagement? Step into the future with Castit – where technology meets style!


Let's Talk!

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