digital signage mortgage company

Empowering Mortgage Services with Digital Signage: Gil Hypotheken en Verzekeringen

Transforming Mortgage Offices with Digital Signage Solutions

Gil Hypotheken

Client Overview

Gil Hypotheken en Verzekeringen, a reputable mortgage firm situated in the Netherlands, felt the need to update their client communication techniques. With locations dedicated to offering full mortgage and insurance services, they hoped to improve the client experience by implementing digital signage technology. The aim was to design a solution that not only efficiently conveyed information but also captivated and engaged clients during their visits.


digital signage mortgage company 


In an industry where personal interactions and trust are paramount, our client faced the challenge of balancing traditional values with modern communication methods. Their physical offices were the major point of contact for clients, but they realized the limitations of static signage and printed materials in transmitting current information. Furthermore, given the ever-changing nature of mortgage products and insurance policies, they need a solution that could adapt and update material effortlessly.



Enter Castit Digital Signage Software – a versatile platform that offered our client the flexibility and control they needed. By deploying digital screens powered by Chromecast, they transformed their office spaces into dynamic hubs of information. Through strategic content planning and management, they could showcase a wide range of services, including mortgage options, insurance policies, and team member profiles. Furthermore, the integration of live weather updates and news feeds added an extra layer of relevance and engagement to the client experience.



The implementation of digital signage software had a profound impact on our client and their clients alike. Clients who visited their offices were greeted with vivid displays with informative content tailored to their specific requirements and interests. The dynamic aspect of the signage prompted inquiry and involvement, resulting in deeper engagement with the company's services. Clients valued the ease of receiving current information in real time, which increased their overall satisfaction with the company's services.


digital signage mortgage company website



In conclusion, digital signage transformed Gil Hypotheken en Verzekeringen's client communication methods and elevated their brand image. They renovated their offices and improved the overall customer experience by embracing innovative technology. Moving forward, they are still dedicated to using digital signage as a strategic tool for providing tailored, engaging content to their clients.


Ready to elevate your communication strategy?

Discover the benefits of digital signage for your mortgage company. Contact us today to find out how Castit Digital Signage Software can transform your client experience.


Let's Talk!

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